What is Evolve Body Sculpting?
Evolve by InMode Aesthetics is a non-surgical, non-invasive body contouring technology. The treatment uses radio frequency and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to tighten the skin, reduce fat cells, and build/tone muscle. It can help you trim areas of your body with stubborn fat that have been hard to tone, even with diet and exercise.
This FDA-approved treatment is safe, effective and comfortable.
Evolve sculpt the body and renews the skin in three ways:
TRIM: This mode destroys stubborn fat cells by delivering radiofrequency energy that creates a thermal effect in the layers of fat beneath the skin. This also helps with cellulite reduction as Evolve Trim smooths the skin and creates a younger, firmer appearance.
TITE: This skin-firming mode restores skin elasticity by stimulating collagen production, an essential component in reversing the loss of tone and tightening the skin.
TONE: This “workout” mode uses electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to stimulate and contract the muscles, strengthening them and improving definition beyond the average gym workout. This treatment helps patients define muscles in a way other cosmetic procedures cannot match.
How many Evolve sessions will I need?
We recommend that patients undergo at least six treatments, each one week apart, for optimal results. Each treatment takes between 30 and 60 minutes.
What areas can be treated with Evolve Body Sculpting?
This treatment is best performed on areas of the body such as the abdomen, flanks, hips, arms, buttocks, and thighs. When you come in for a consultation we’ll determine which areas you’re a candidate for and can combine multiple areas during your treatment.
Does the procedure hurt?
Evolve is usually not painful, while patients may feel a tingling or pulsating sensation in the areas being treated. You can resume your daily activities right away and there’s no downtime required after your treatments.
Evolve Body Sculpting at Renu Med Lounge in Studio City, CA
The results from Evolve can be quite dramatic. Most patients notice a significant reduction in fat and sagging skin, as well as increased muscle definition. Treatments are fairly quick and comfortable, you can even get them done during your lunch break and return back to your normal day immediately after.
Call us today at 818-308-7274 to learn more about Evolve Body Contouring and book a consultation to see if the treatment is right for you.